10 Responsible management
We carry on business in a responsible way. Our priorities are good working conditions and employee safety.
We are a modern organisation fostering an innovative work environment We care about the development of internal competences and infrastructure, we want to constantly strengthen the unique knowledge base in the organisation and the expertise of the PSE staff responsible for maintaining a secure and stable system.
We manage our resources in a responsible manner. We minimise the impact of business on the natural environment. We want to carry on business as effectively as possible.
Key figures
employee turnover level
employee participation in training
of workforce trained in occupational health and safety
of workforce trained in environmental protection
in the “200 Poland’s Largest Companies, 2017” ranking published by Wprost weekly.
CSR 2017 Gold Leaf
CSR 2016 Silver Leaf
Winner of Polityka weekly's CSR Leaves.
in the Polish edition of the Ranstad Award – a ranking of the most attractive employers.
Responsible management
GRI 103 In the interests of sustainable development of the organisation, in relation to the ambitions and organisational challenges, PSE relies on competence, responsibility, commitment, retention and recruitment of the best employees.
Personnel challenges facing PSE
- Strengthening the security culture.
- Implementing the culture of innovation and flexibility.
- Making the most of the potential of the employees who cooperate and share knowledge.
Data refer to 2016
Total number of employees by gender
Total number employees by type of employment, type of employment contract, region and gender*
Number of indefinite-term contracts*
Employee turnover level
GRI 103 The unit responsible for following PSE's HR policy is the Human Resource Management Department. Its key task is to provide business support to the company by recruiting and retaining competent employees. The Department follows PSE's strategy and employees' current needs, taking into account the capabilities of the entire organisation. Its activities are preceded by an analysis of training needs, taking into account substantive issues and the need to improve the competence level in response to changes in the external environment.
We offer our employees different forms of professional improvement:
- participation in external and internal training,
- participation in industry conferences and seminars,
- foreign language learning,
- subsidies to higher education.
The subject of activities related to the development of employees conducted in 2016 included mainly the expansion of knowledge and professional skills related to ensuring the proper functioning of the Polish Power System. Systematic training delivered to operating and dispatching personnel is one of the prerequisites for the correct performance of the TSO's obligations. In 2016, the development programme was extended both to the employees of the company head office and those employed in branches. Other training activities concerned, among other things, expanding and reinforcing employees' knowledge in the fields of law, taxation and accounting, and advanced IT and technological solutions. Our company also developed employee competences related to the operation of computer systems and supported the management staff in improving effective management skills.
Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and employment structure
(Head Office)
GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and employment structure (Head Office) | 2016 | 2015 |
Average hours of training per year per employee: | ||
Women | 13,17 | 4,19 |
Men | 20,75 | 2,15 |
Position: | ||
Department Directors | 4,80 | 7,33 |
Deputy Department Directors, Office Directors | 7,54 | 5,12 |
Advisers, Experts | 4,44 | 0,89 |
Unit Manager, Team Manager, Chief Specialist | 5,82 | 4,72 |
Section Manager, Specialist Coordinator | 2,85 | 5,04 |
Senior Specialist | 6,22 | 5,35 |
Specialist | 5,67 | 7,54 |
Junior Specialist, Senior Clerk, Assistant | 3,40 | 4,38 |
Clerk, Secretary | 18,00 | 2,67 |

Internship Programme
We care about acquiring the most talented students and graduates of power engineering faculties and young people who see their professional future in our sector. Since 2013, our company has been consistently delivering its Energy Internship programme. Thanks to this initiative, PSE expands its group of employees by the most talented students and graduates of power engineering faculties.
For the purposes of the Internship Programme, we are partnering with technical schools of higher education in Poland:
- Białystok University of Technology,
- Łódź University of Technology,
- Poznań University of Technology ,
- Silesian University of Technology,
- Warsaw University of Technology.
Participation in the Energy Internship Programme is available to candidates who meet high requirements concerning academic achievements, high foreign language skills, active involvement in interest clubs, highly developed personal competencies and readiness for personal and professional development. Due to all this, only the best qualify for the programme. The selected persons have contracts of employment signed for 10 months. During that period, they develop their knowledge under the guidance of a mentor assigned to them. After the internship period, the intern can be employed on a permanent basis. In 2016, six persons recruited through the Energy Internship programme were employed with PSE. We also recruited another six candidates for the next year.
In promoting the internship programme and building a positive image as an employer among students, we participated in job fairs in 2016 at: Warsaw University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology and UTP University of Science and Technology.
Employee assessment system
In our organisation, we use a system for performance assessment of employees and management staff. In 2016, it was a five-grade system where "A" was the lowest grade and "E" was the highest grade awarded for special achievements. All those who have worked more than half of the assessed period, i.e. a quarter, were subject to assessment.
To simplify our system, in 2016 we created a new system design based on a three-grade scale:
N – non-acceptable ,
A – acceptable,
S – special.
The management staff was covered by the Management by Objectives system It provides for the achievement of strategic objectives defined in the business strategy. The implementation of the system was preceded by training for all PSE managers. The new assessment system has been in effect at our company since Q1 2017.
GRI 404-3 |
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender in 2015-2016 | Values |
Percentage of employees of the organisation receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender: |
100 |
Women |
100 |
Men |
100 |
Cooperation with social partners
According to the provisions of the Trade Unions Act and the Employee Information Act, our company cooperates on a daily basis with its social partners. The following social organisations operate at PSE.
Under the cooperation, changes to the PSE Company Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Labour Rules, and the Company Social Welfare Fund are negotiated. The company also enters into agreements on: the rules of system-based pay rises, topping up prepaid cards on the occasion of the Power Engineer's Day and Christmas, and the rules for payment of extra bonuses. The trade unions and the Workers' Council receive semi-annual and annual reports on issues such as: the utilisation of the wage fund, components of the pay incentive system, employment, organisational changes, and the economic and financial standing of the company. In addition, cyclic meetings are held at PSE with all trade unions, at which issues are discussed including employee matters.
GRI 102-41 Number of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement* |
Values (%) |
Percentage of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement (relative to all employees) |
100 |
*The Company Bargaining Agreement (ZUZP) applies to all employees. It governs, first of all, the mutual rights and obligations of the parties to the contract of employment, including benefits closely related to work.

Employee and social benefits
We provide our employees and their families with an extensive welfare package. In 2016, employees benefited, among other things, from the Employee Pension Scheme run by PSE, housing loans, and subsidies for employee canteen meals, commuting, leisure of employees and their families, green schools, nurseries and kindergartens, and subsidies for their cultural activities.
Additional benefits provided to full-time employees*
Percentage of employees eligible to retire in the next 5 and 10 years broken down by job category
(PSE Head Office)
GRI-EU 15 Percentage of employees eligible to retire in the next 5 and 10 years broken down by job category (PSE Head Office) | Percentage (2016) | Percentage (2015) | ||
Positions by grade | in 5 years | in 10 years | in 5 years |
in 10 years |
Department Directors | 0,24 | 0 | 0,13 | 0,39 |
Deputy Department Directors, Office Directors | 0,24 | 1 | 0,13 | 0,26 |
Advisers, Experts | 0,96 | 1 | 0,79 | 0,92 |
Unit Manager, Team Manager, Chief Specialist | 2,76 | 3 | 1,84 | 3,29 |
Section Manager, Specialist Coordinator | 1,44 | 3 | 0,92 | 2,10 |
Senior Specialist | 0,96 | 2 | 0,92 | 1,31 |
Specialist | 0,84 | 1 | 1,18 | 1,71 |
Junior Specialist, Senior Clerk, Assistant | 0,24 | - | 0,13 | 0,26 |
Clerk, Secretary | - | - | - | - |
Total | 7,68 | 11 | 6,04 | 10,24 |
Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation
Total number and rates of new employee hires, departures and employee turnover by age group, gender and region
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker OHS committees that help to monitor and run occupational health and safety programmes
Type and rate of injuries, occupational diseases, lost days and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatal accidents, by region and by gender
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is one of the priorities of the European Union. As promoter of the implementation of innovative and environmentally friendly solutions, we launched a strategic project at our organisation - the Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme. It was completed by the end of 2016.
We focused the project both on measures leading to optimisation of energy consumption in the long term, and on quick wins.
As part of measures serving the improvement of energy efficiency in the long term, we prepared and applied technical standards that allow transmission losses to be reduced.
Having implemented the project, PSE received two white certificates under a tendering procedure resolved in 2016 for the selection of projects promoting energy efficiency. The certificates were granted in the category of transformation loss reduction on transformers by transformer replacement (reduction of network losses) equal to average annual savings of primary energy of 980 tonnes of equivalent oil annually.
In order to increase energy efficiency, we supported our initiatives and projects with various tools. The Energy Management System in compliance with the EN ISO 50001:2011 standard was implemented at PSE, as confirmed by certificate No 44 764 15460031 issued by TUV NORD CERT GmbH. A supervisory audit performed in 2016 showed that our organisation was highly effectively applying and developing the management system, ensuring compliance with its own or customers' requirements, as well as those imposed by the legal system.
The maintenance of the certified Energy Management System allows us to adopt a system and processes that are necessary to achieve optimal energy management for the purposes of the head office. This is accompanied by cutting down the operating expenses of our company and the reduction of the environmental impact of electricity and heat generation, including the reduction of greenhouse emissions.
Total energy consumption in the organisation
in 2015-2016
GRI 302-1 |
Unit |
Value |
Value |
Total consumption: |
– electricity |
MWh |
6 849,50 |
6 497,60 |
– heat |
GJ |
7 130,70 |
7 006,20 |
GRI 302-1 |
Unit |
Value |
Value |
Total consumption: |
– electricity |
MWh |
5 433,25 |
4 419,85 |
– heat |
GJ |
15 738,80 |
12 791,65 |
*The data does not include Warsaw Branch - the office is not our property
GRI 302-1 |
Unit |
Value |
Value |
Total consumption: |
– electricity |
MWh |
46 406,64 |
44 909,762 |
– heat |
GJ |
2 997,30 |
2 799,50 |

Pro-environmental attitude
in operating activities
Waste management
GRI 103 Waste management in our organisation is performed in compliance with the provisions of the Waste Act. According to the Act, a waste producer is an entity providing services involving the construction, demolition and repair of facilities, cleaning of tanks or devices, and cleaning maintenance and repair. The greatest volume of waste is produced during work related to the implementation of investment projects, in particular the upgrading and building of facilities. This means that the waste producer is the contractor of works.
On premises where investment projects are in progress, we exercise continuous supervision which allows us to assess compliance of contractors' activities in terms of waste management.
In addition, at the contract award stage, we make standard requirements to contractors, which are specified in the Guidelines for Contractors of new build, upgrade and repair works on the grid assets of PSE S.A., concerning significant environmental aspects. They form an appendix to each Terms of Reference documentation and operate on a good practice basis. In 2016, we additionally introduced a new form of such requirements in the form of standard contractual clauses.
Clause 26
Requirements for a works Contractor being a waste producer.
Clause 27
Guideline for Contractors on significant environmental aspects.
We produce a small quantity of waste created as a result of maintenance work that we carry out directly on substation facilities and as a result of operation of the headquarters. We have entered into agreements for waste collection and disposal with third-party entities holding relevant administration decisions.
We have submitted relevant declarations and entered into agreements with communes or entities designated by them for municipal waste collection form substation facilities and premises of the company's offices and its field units (former branches). As part of our waste management activities, at our offices, we perform selective collection of waste identified by communes.
GRI 306-2 |
Value as at 2016 |
Value as at 2015 | |
- Quantity of dangerous waste* |
674,369 |
97,884 |
- Quantity of non-dangerous waste* |
43,9 |
838,1 |
- Quantity of municipal waste** |
151,14 |
149,42 |
The quantity of PCB waste in the total quantity of dangerous and non-dangerous waste |
0 |
0 |
* The indicator refers to substation facilities and PSE's head office and its field units (previously branches)
** Indicator calculated for the PSE Head Office and for field units (previously branch offices) – owing to minimal quantities of municipal waste generated on the premises of network facilities and inability to measure their weight, the summary does not include municipal waste produced at EHV substations
An increase in the quantity of dangerous waste in 2016 resulted from the decommissioning of transformers at three electrical substations:
- 220/110 kV Biskupice (155 tonne transformer),
- 220/110kV Klecina (156 tonne AT1 autotransformer and 154 tonne AT2 autotransformer),
- 400/110 kV Ostrołęka (158 tonne ATR1 autotransformer).
The waste data summarised in the table does not contain information on its further disposal owing to a lack of specified handling procedures for waste taken over by the recipients, i.e. waste disposal undertakings.
We strive to minimise water consumption
We do not carry on any production activity and therefore water consumption at our headquarters and at the substations is small. However, we monitor its use as part of the Environmental Management System. Water is supplied to our substation facilities from our own deep wells and from commune or municipal water mains.
Wells are a source of supply to our 13 extra-high voltage substations. At the substation facilities, water is used for personal purposes of the substation personnel and for firefighting purposes. Each substation is equipped with a fire water reservoir (or reservoirs) with a capacity of 50 m3.
At the substations with transformer units equipped with fire extinguishing systems, a small quantity of reservoir water is consumed for sprinkler system tests which are performed once a year. The measurement of consumer water quantity is based on the main water meter readings.
On the premises of our headquarters in Konstancin-Jeziorna, we use our own water intake – we have two deep wells. Water supplied to the offices of field units comes from municipal mains.
The data presented in the table below have been collated from water meter readings at the sites with their own water intakes, and from water supply invoices for the facilities using water mains.
GRI 303-1 |
Total water withdrawal by source * |
Value m3 |
Value m3 |
Total water volume (in m3) drawn from the following sources: |
48 013 |
42 062 |
- Ground water |
21 281 |
19 306 |
- Rainwater collected directly and stored by the organisation |
not applicable |
not applicable |
- Municipal water supplies or other water utilities (m3) |
26 732 |
22 756 |
Total water consumption in the production process and other technological processes |
not applicable |
not applicable |
*The quantity of water consumed is real, recoded on the basis of meter readings.
In 2016, the water consumption values were slightly higher than those reported for the previous year.
Total number and volume of significant spills
Sewage discharge into the ground
We perform maintenance tasks in order to ensure the serviceability of systems removing hydrocarbons from rainwater (oil separators) and biological treatment plants reducing pollutants in sanitary sewage. Once treated, the wastewater meets the requirements of water permits.
GRI 306-1 |
Total sewage discharge* by quality |
Value |
Value |
Surface waters, including: |
Surface waters – rivers |
4 467,3 |
4 823 |
Ground waters |
1 903,4 |
2 090 |
Municipal utilities |
32 598 |
29 209 |
In 2016, no fines were imposed on PSE for non-compliance with laws and regulations on environmental protection.
GRI 307-1 |
Monetary value of fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
Value |
Total monetary value of fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
0 |
Number of non-monetary, administrative and court sanctions imposed on the organisation for non-compliance with environmental protection laws and regulations, including: |
2 |
– international declarations/conventions/treaties as well as national, regional, and local regulations |
0 |
– voluntary environmental agreements with regulatory bodies that are considered binding and developed as a substitute for implementing new regulation |
2 |
Cases brought against the organisation by dispute resolution bodies supervised by government authorities |
0 |
In 2016, external bodies carried out 9 environmental protection inspections of our facilities. They concerned the following facilities:
- 400 kV Ełk Bis-Polish Border line
- 400 kV Joachimów-Trębaczew line
- 220/110 kV Aniołów ES
- 220/110 kV Wrzosowa ES
- 220/110 kV Groszowice ES
- 400/220/110 kV Łagisza ES
- 220/110 kV Glinki ES
- 400/220/110 kV Morzyczyn ES
- 220/110 kV Radkowice ES
The inspections disclosed incompatibilities at two facilities.
- 400 kV Joachimów-Trębaczew line – an inspection follow-up order was issued pursuant to Article 12 (1) (1) and (2) of the Environmental Protection Inspection Act.
- 220/110kV Glinki ES – a letter of caution was issued pursuant to Article 351 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the supply chain
GRI 308-2 For power equipment and apparatus of high significance to power system operation, technical specifications have been prepared, which contain minimum technical, functional and structural requirements. They form appendices to the Terms of Reference and are available on PSE's website.
Equipment and apparatus supplied are also checked on site prior to installation at network facilities through the following tests
FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)
Tests of equipment forming part of primary and secondary circuits of electrical substations, performed at the manufacturer's plant or at a location designated by the manufacturer, conducted prior to equipment delivery to the contracting authority.
SAT (Substation Acceptance Test)
Tests of equipment forming part of primary and secondary circuits of electrical substations, performed at the power facility at the final operation site of the equipment.
As no supplier assessments were performed for environmental impact in the supply chain, we have no data in hand to calculate the indicator for 2016.