5 Business strategy
As a transmission system operator, we play a key role in the Polish economy.
We are aware of our impact on the environment. We feel responsible for future generations.
We are implementing a new business strategy to develop our business in an integrated way.
Business strategy
The Strategy of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne has been prepared for the years 2017-2019. It takes into account strategic resources, defines the roles arising from our mission and vision, and sets objectives.
It is PSE's response to the challenges facing the company – measures towards a changing regulatory environment evolving within the European Union, developing technologies and building a common internal electricity market.
Main and specific objectives and key directions of activity and improvement
GRI 103
Business strategy
Main and specific objectives
01. Repelling external threats
- Management of the regulatory risk arising from the possible entry into force of the solutions contained in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, such as the transfer of responsibility to the regional coordination centres and change of the paradigm of security measures from the national to regional perspective.
- Management of the risk of loss of ability to control/manage the operation of the PPS, related to cyber-attacks against IT/OT systems of the transmission system operator and distribution system operators, generators, traders, power exchanges or industrial consumers.
- Management of the risk of unavailability of infrastructure by developing cooperation with government administration in order to ensure joint and several responsibility for the physical security of the Company's facilities and for ensuring adequate measures to protect IT and technical resources, and protection from hostile actions.
02. Representing the interests of the national electricity market
- Reducing tariff costs by decreasing unscheduled flows, achieved through coordination of the capacity calculation process, including the management of phase shifter settings and high-cost remedial actions such as redispatching, covering all PPS borders with the DA and ID Flow-Based Market Coupling mechanism.
- Management of the regulatory risk arising from the possible entry into force of the various solutions of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, including:
- failure to take into account the specificities of the TSOs using central management of the system,
- no possibility to co-optimise purchases of balancing energy, remedial actions and reserves in a single process,
- non-optimal division of markets into price zones,
- retaining provisions that promote the energy only market, with restrictive areas for the dual-commodity market.
03. Security for future generations
- Long-term security of electricity supply. Implementing the capacity market and supporting tools.
- Pursuing the Strategy for Sustainable Development. Responsibility for the impact of the Company's operations on national economy, the natural environment and society.
04. Responsible development
- Full network model with integrated acquisition of electricity and ancillary services as a basis for efficient electricity markets. Introduction of locational pricing as a mechanism that coordinates the functioning of generating and load resources and improving the quality of investment signals.
- Avoiding the transfer to future generations of the stranded costs of depreciation of assets that have lost their usefulness owing to a change in operation of the power system.
- PSE's care of public interests (system data and measurement information).
- Innovations aimed at adjusting the system to a new shape of markets and new technologies (electro mobility, multi-agent systems, local balancing zones, IoT, storage, distributed generation and change of the energy mix.
05. Stable operation of the system
- Operation continuity – planning, implementing, testing and improving procedures related to the Company's day-to-day operations.
- Continuous improvement of the Polish power system's transmission infrastructure maintenance model based on Reliability Cantered Maintenance (RCM), and in the long term on Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Techniques. PSE's approach is based on the assessment of priorities in planning repairs, upgrades, physical protection of facilities and new investment projects.
- Intervention DSR service.
06. Money spent in a better way
- New investment implementation model
- Improving the balancing market model
07.PSE resources
- Smart PSE:
- Strengthening the security culture,
- Implementing the culture of innovation and flexibility,
- Making the most of the potential of the employees who cooperate and share knowledge. - Adaptive capacity of the Company: know-how, structures and internal procedures prepared for quick legislative changes taking place in the energy market, and the technical and organisational requirements of new solutions.
- Human capital: employee development, competence management, job evaluation, strengthening the organisational culture based on responsibility and professionalism.
- PPS and energy market data.

01. Repelling external threats
- Management of the regulatory risk arising from the possible entry into force of the solutions contained in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, such as the transfer of responsibility to the regional coordination centres and change of the paradigm of security measures from the national to regional perspective.
- Management of the risk of loss of ability to control/manage the operation of the PPS, related to cyber-attacks against IT/OT systems of the transmission system operator and distribution system operators, generators, traders, power exchanges or industrial consumers.
- Management of the risk of unavailability of infrastructure by developing cooperation with government administration in order to ensure joint and several responsibility for the physical security of the Company's facilities and for ensuring adequate measures to protect IT and technical resources, and protection from hostile actions.

02. Representing the interests of the national electricity market
- Reducing tariff costs by decreasing unscheduled flows, achieved through coordination of the capacity calculation process, including the management of phase shifter settings and high-cost remedial actions such as redispatching, covering all PPS borders with the DA and ID Flow-Based Market Coupling mechanism.
- Management of the regulatory risk arising from the possible entry into force of the various solutions of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, including:
- failure to take into account the specificities of the TSOs using central management of the system,
- no possibility to co-optimise purchases of balancing energy, remedial actions and reserves in a single process,
- non-optimal division of markets into price zones,
- retaining provisions that promote the energy only market, with restrictive areas for the dual-commodity market.

03. Security for future generations
- Long-term security of electricity supply. Implementing the capacity market and supporting tools.
- Pursuing the Strategy for Sustainable Development. Responsibility for the impact of the Company's operations on national economy, the natural environment and society.

04. Responsible development
- Full network model with integrated acquisition of electricity and ancillary services as a basis for efficient electricity markets. Introduction of locational pricing as a mechanism that coordinates the functioning of generating and load resources and improving the quality of investment signals.
- Avoiding the transfer to future generations of the stranded costs of depreciation of assets that have lost their usefulness owing to a change in operation of the power system.
- PSE's care of public interests (system data and measurement information).
- Innovations aimed at adjusting the system to a new shape of markets and new technologies (electro mobility, multi-agent systems, local balancing zones, IoT, storage, distributed generation and change of the energy mix.

05. Stable operation of the system
- Operation continuity – planning, implementing, testing and improving procedures related to the Company's day-to-day operations.
- Continuous improvement of the Polish power system's transmission infrastructure maintenance model based on Reliability Cantered Maintenance (RCM), and in the long term on Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Techniques. PSE's approach is based on the assessment of priorities in planning repairs, upgrades, physical protection of facilities and new investment projects.
- Intervention DSR service.

06. Money spent in a better way
- New investment implementation model
- Improving the balancing market model

07.PSE resources
- Smart PSE:
- Strengthening the security culture,
- Implementing the culture of innovation and flexibility,
- Making the most of the potential of the employees who cooperate and share knowledge. - Adaptive capacity of the Company: know-how, structures and internal procedures prepared for quick legislative changes taking place in the energy market, and the technical and organisational requirements of new solutions.
- Human capital: employee development, competence management, job evaluation, strengthening the organisational culture based on responsibility and professionalism.
- PPS and energy market data.
PSE vision and mission
PSE Vision
PSE contributes to the European electricity market for the secure and efficient operation of the Polish Power System, following the principle of equal treatment of market participants and caring for the interest of future generations.
We seek to develop a market operation model that supports current security of electricity supply and creates rational electricity prices. We actively participate in the work of institutions that create solutions for the electricity market in Poland and the European Union. At the same time, we stimulate the development of necessary and efficient investments, thus creating conditions for strategic development of PPS.
PSE mission
GRI 102-16 Through care for network infrastructure and improvement of the power system operation management, PSE guarantees its reliable and efficient operation.
We focus on fulfilling our statutory duties which include, in particular, ensuring the operational security of the Polish Power System and creating solutions that support the security of electricity supply. In all our activities, we are guided by the principles of corporate social responsibility.
The highest values
PSE builds its vision and mission on three values: dependability, reliability and responsibility
PSE is a reliable partner for electricity consumers and generators, distribution system operators, market operators, power exchanges, social partners, the regulatory authority, and the Government of Poland.
Activities carried out by PSE confirm the company’s competence in performing its duties and fulfilling its mission.
PSE cares about future generations, the natural environment, energy security of the country, and the position of Poland’s economy in the world.
Directions of activity
PSE’s activity is determined by four aspects
Direction 1
Balancing initiatives aimed at maintaining the security of the Polish Power System and efficient management of tariff measures.
Direction 2
Balancing initiatives aimed at standing up to risks that surface in our company’s environment and those aimed at improving internal processes.
Direction 3
Initiatives aimed at future solutions in the field of security and economics of the power system.
Direction 4
Initiatives aimed at increasing organisational efficiency and building a company based on continuous improvement, which allows quality and productivity to be enhanced while gradually limiting all kind of inefficiencies.
Each our objective has strategic initiatives assigned to it, the implementation of which contributes to its achievement
PSE's strategic initiatives
Sustainable development strategy
PSE Strategy for Sustainable Development supports the implementation of its mission and business strategy.
It rests on five equally important pillars.

Guarantor of energy security
Exemplary investor
Responsible employer
Reliable partner
Industry expert
01. Guarantor of energy security
Objective: Maintain a proper level of energy security in a manner that is responsible towards the society and environment
Our core, regulated activity is the fulfilment of the duties of a national transmission system operator. We manage the Polish Power System, balancing electricity demand with electricity production by generating sources available in the PPS.
We take part in creating the European electricity market and actively participate in developing global initiatives taken by operators, members of ENTSO-E.
We know that the power transmission network must allow for changing power generation technologies and the location of generating sources both in Poland and in Europe. We are aware of the challenges of climate, environmental and social changes, and the need to adjust all our activities to face up to them.
02. Exemplary investor
Objective: Win favourable attitude of the investment environment
We plan and implement transmission network investment projects throughout the country. It is a necessary condition for ensuring the continuous and reliable operation of the transmission system and maintenance of the country's energy security. Irrespective of the impact of our activities on the environment, we always listen intently to the needs and expectations of all interested parties.
Utmost care and diligence in performing investment tasks is to ensure that the values of the natural environment will remain available for future generations, and investments will be implemented with the acceptance of local communities in a manner that does not conflict with their broadly defined social interest.
03. Responsible employer
Objective: Provide employees with an opportunity for professional development and build a corporate culture based on the supported values
PSE employees – their knowledge and commitment – are at the core of the company's success and its sustainable development. We focus of providing high-class specialists to our company, who will build its high market value by pursuing the mission and strategic objectives of the company. We offer a secure and friendly working environment. We focus on responsibility, professionalism and commitment.
04. Reliable partner
Objective: Support transparency of activities and ethical conduct in relation to partners
We attach significant importance to how we build relations with our partners. We play a leading role in the power sector, which translated into taking responsible decisions and measures concerning other participants of the electricity market in Poland.
We seek to create a sustainable future for all our internal and external stakeholders. What we find very important are transparency and reliability, equal treatment of all market participants, preventing corruption in the context of transparent and effective rules of conduct, as well as our internal procedures and processes followed in relations with other participants of the electricity market.
05. Industry expert
Objective: Build and maintain the TSO’s image as an expert on key legislative and opinion-forming forums.
Owing to our employees' competence and experience, we are perceived as a partner for cooperation with legislative bodies, central and local administration units, and with scientific establishments and industry organisations.
We are actively involved in the law-making process. We take care of the development and transparency of the electricity market.